I have always been fascinated by beautiful travel photos clicked by Nakul Sharma, when they show up on my Facebook wall. I envy him for the fact that he is always on the roads travelling to beautiful places along with his camera, must be soo much fun.
Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, France, and Spain, yes Nakul has travelled to all these countries along with his camera to capture stunning views and memories he came across. Being a travel photographer sounds exciting, right? Recently while talking to Nakul over the Facebook messenger, I thought of asking him few travel + photography related questions. So here is how our conversation went through:

Q1. How did it all start? Travelling and capturing the beauty around the world?
It all started first with my travelling profession, and later on, it became my passion and then it become a way to live my life. I travel to share experiences and educate people like me. Traveling helps a lot in many ways possible, to get educated and smart, and lively too. World is too big and beautiful, so I have decided to go out and live the world and learn different cultures and understand life. So now I travel to bring the world closer to the people through my photography.

Q2. I have seen you using the phrase ‘JOB CAN WAIT TRAVEL CAN’T’. What is the reason you have been using this in the majority of your social media updates of lately?
JOB CAN WAIT TRAVEL CAN’T is the project I have started back in 2014 to inspire people to travel. It’s not about leaving the job and go out and travel, but deep down it’s about HOPE and COURAGE. People are stuck in their 9-6 jobs and need a break to live the life sometimes out of the box and in different ways. This Project is about encouraging people to travel and live their dream once, leave it all and go out once to know yourself better, find their own values, vows and courage.

Q3. Which is that one place in India, which can never disappoint you in terms of photography?
But one place that holds me back as a traveler and photographer in India is SPITI VALLEY and VIETNAM for People Photography. After all, it depends on the Photographer as in what kind of Photography he/she likes. WORLD IS TOO BIG. I suggest people to explore more and more and bring the world closer through their photography to those who want to travel. INSPIRE THEM.

Q4. Being a travel photographer, isn’t it hard to manage finances for regular trips?
Yes its always hard, yes money plays a vital role in travelling but you are wrong if you think that it’s the primary key to plan your travel. I save money and travel in very cheap ways, like with my tents doing camping around the world, couch surfing, airbnb etc.. These things allows a traveler to travel in very cheap and economical way.

Q5. Any advice for budding travel photographers as to how they can plan a trip even if they are low on budget?
Like I said, travel solo and sometimes with partners to share the expenses, depending on the location and place. We are living in 21st generation, all the time connected to internet and social media. We can use different social platforms to travel cheap and on the budget like hostels, Airbnb, Couch surfing etc.

Q6. Do you think that to be a travel photographer, one needs to invest a huge sum of money to buy camera and lenses?
Well, I would say yes because good investment in equipments would allow you to evolve more in photography and touch the perfection and click better photos.
Q7. A DSLR or a Mirrorless camera? Which one would you recommend and why?
I am using a DSLR camera since I have started my photography so I think its pretty fast and easy to handle and gives better results and always in the budget according to the Photographers.

amazing cultural and traditional people in SAPA
Q8. I have seen you selling your prints in big numbers, would you like to share any trade secret as to how a travel photographer can earn?
Well, I just have the website and I sell it directly through my site and with the help of some friends in Europe.
Q9. What advice would you like to give to aspiring travel photographers?
The best advice I can give to my friends is, just travel and click. The world is too big and so many stories are lying and waiting to get clicked. So don’t be afraid of anything and believe in yourself always, people won’t believe in you at first but later-on they join you in your journey.